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Follower Emotes

helloitsTooth: A cartoon tooth, complete with root, surrounded by white sparkles. It has a face, with a wide open mouth and a single tooth inside. helloitsMug: A huge brown ceramic cartoon mug with a broad white stripe featuring a green, orange and blue floral pattern on it, and tea inside it. helloitsRick: Cartoon Kolo dressed up as Rick Astley, with a black jacket and a black and white striped shirt on, singing and dancing.

Tier 1

helloits89: Cartoon Kolo with a weary expression, holding up a flip score pad in each hand that together display the number 89. helloitsAccordion: Cartoon Kolo with an angry look on her face, playing a small accordion. helloitsAngel: Cartoon Kolo looking to the left, with hands pressed together in a prayer position and a golden halo round her ginger hair. helloitsBingo: Close up of cartoon Kolo’s pleased face, with the word BINGO in large white capital lettering over her head. helloitsBooby: A cartoon style depiction of a blue footed booby bird, which is white with brown wings and blue beak and blue feet. One foot is off the ground in a playful dance like position. helloitsBroken: Close up of cartoon Kolo as she covers her face with both hands in a shocked expression. Her wide open blue eyes are visible through gaps in her fingers. helloitsBufgr: Cartoon Kolo with her head on a pillow and eyes closed. The large white letters ZZ appear next to her face as she sleeps under a blanket. helloitsBunting: Cartoon Kolo smiling and holding up bunting made of differently coloured triangles. helloitsCosy: Cartoon Kolo with her hands clasped together and eyes closed. She wears a comfy onesie with a hood that has teddy bear ears sewn on. helloitsNotACult: Cartoon Kolo's head tilted to the side wearing a black robe half over her head, with a creepy look on her face, looking directly at the viewer, baring her teeth, with her left eye glistening. helloitsDab: Cartoon Kolo performing a dab - her head tucked into her right elbow as her left arm extends outwards into the air. helloitsTues: The left half of a colourful rainbow with TUES written on it in large black capital lettering, cartoon Kolo's left hand is holding it. helloitsDay: The right half of a colourful rainbow with DAY written on it in large black capital lettering, cartoon Kolo's right hand is holding it. helloitsDetective: Cartoon Kolo with a curious expression, wide open eyes and mouth, holding up a magnifying glass to one eye, which appears larger through the glass. helloitsDoubt: Close up of cartoon Kolo’s doubtful face as she raises an eyebrow in suspicion. helloitsEmotions: Close up of cartoon Kolo's face, softly smiling at the viewer as tears spill from both eyes like a waterfall down each cheek. helloitsFace: Cartoon Kolo’s face with her mouth open and downturned, eyes wide open, in a shocked and disgusted expression. helloitsFire: Cartoon Kolo’s face from eyes upwards at the bottom of the image. Her ginger hair stands upright, reminiscent of fire and flames as it fills the image. helloitsFirstTry: Cartoon Kolo holding up both arms in celebration and the words 1st TRY above her head in large white capital lettering. helloitsFrontDoor: A wooden door being slammed shut as cartoon Kolo’s ginger hair and body are visible leaving the image on the left side. helloitsFuelRat: A ginger cartoon rat with red rimmed goggles on its head, a smile on its face, and a petrol pump in its hand. helloitsGift: Cartoon Kolo with a cheery look on her face, holding two beautifully wrapped presents, one blue and one yellow, both tied up with red ribbon. helloitsGoose: A cartoon white goose with a bright orange beak and legs, facing to the right. It’s in the middle of honking, with wings held upwards. helloitsGroundhog: A cartoon badger, facing to the left. helloitsHome: Cartoon Kolo with flowing ginger hair, hugging a tiny white house with a red roof, a chimney,two doors and a wooden door. helloitsHonk: Cartoon Kolo with her mouth wide open in a chaotic scream expression. She holds a golden hork with a red bulb end, and is squeezing it. The text HONK appears above her in white capital lettering. helloitsHug: Cartoon Kolo with a gentle expression on her face, hugging a blue character who is smiling and hugging her back. helloitsHype: Cartoon Kolo in an excited expression, mouth open and hands in fists. The word HYPE below her in large white capital lettering. helloitsLaugh: Cartoon Kolo, eyes closed and mouth open in laughter, two large blue tears appear at the corner of each eye as she cries with laughter. helloitsLook1: Close up of cartoon Kolo’s large blue right eye. helloitsLook2: Close up of cartoon Kolo’s large blue left eye. helloitsOhLordy: Cartoon Kolo's face looking to the side with a concerned look, the words OH LORDY in large white capital lettering next to her head. helloitsModLove: A cartoon Potato with an excited face. It has one tooth visible in its open mouth. It holds a shiny silver sword and a metal shield with a pink heart on it. helloitsMoozi: A cartoon cow. It’s black and white, with little horns on it’s head and a cowbell round it’s neck. It’s pink tongue is sticking out as if it’s blowing a raspberry. helloitsNo: A white cartoon thought bubble, with the word No on it in large orange lettering. helloitsNoU: Cartoon Kolo's face with a stern look, shouting mouth and wide open sparkly eyes, pointing her finger forwards, with the words NO U above her in large white capital lettering. helloitsPawL: The left paw of a brown cartoon tabby cat held up, with her pink beans exposed and tiny sharp claws visible at the end of it. helloitsOlok: Close up of cartoon Kolo's face, licking her lips with a menacing look, red eyes and big red pointy horns on her forehead. helloitsPawR: The right paw of a brown cartoon tabby cat held up, with her sharp claws fully extended. helloitsPG: Cartoon Kolo with a mischievous look on her face, holding up a green silicone spatula in a threatening way. helloitsPotato: A cheery cartoon potato with little raised arms, closed eyes, pink cheeks and a wide open mouth, two pink hearts floating beside it. helloitsPride: Cartoon Kolo's smiling face with her eyes closed, holding up a rainbow coloured paper chain with her hands. helloitsPumpkin: A brown cartoon tabby cat with pointy ears and big green eyes, looking disapprovingly at the viewer. helloitsRude: Close up of cartoon Kolo's annoyed face, her mouth open and one brow raised and the other lowered, her head tilted to the side, with the word RUDE below in large white letters. helloitsStobbit: Cartoon Kolo with an angry look on her face looking at the viewer, holding up a red stop sign with the word HALT on it in large white capital lettering. helloitsSalute: Cartoon Kolo with a happy face, eyes closed and mouth open, holding up a huge brown ceramic mug with a broad white stripe featuring a green, orange and blue floral pattern on it, tea is spilling out. helloitsShame: Cartoon Kolo's displeased face, shaking a large golden handbell in her right hand. helloitsSing: Cartoon Kolo's happy face with closed eyes and mouth wide open as she sings into a microphone in her hand, the other fist raised into the air. helloitsSip: Cartoon Kolo's face tilted slightly upwards with a blank stare, sipping through a straw out of a water bottle she's holding in her hands. helloitsWhoosh: The top of cartoon Kolo's head with blue swirly lines above it. helloitsWow: Close up of cartoon Kolo's surprised face with wide open mouth and sparkling blue eyes.

Tier 2

helloitsOops: Cartoon Kolo’s face looking embarrassed with wide open eyes, clenching her teeth. helloitsGamer: Cartoon Kolo with a proud look on her face, the word GAMER in large white capital lettering over her head. helloitsTalent: Cartoon Kolo's hand pointing with her index finger to the left and the word TALENT in big white capital lettering above it. helloitsTech: A black cartoon cable that has split in two with a white and orange electrical explosion between the exposed wires. helloitsThink: Close up of cartoon Kolo's head tilted to the right side looking directly at the viewer, with her brows raised and her index finger touching her nose.

Tier 3

helloitsConfused: Cartoon Kolo looking confused, holding her hands up and her head tilted, with three big question marks over her head. helloitsGoldenSalute: A golden cartoon Kolo with a happy face, eyes closed and mouth open, holding up a huge ceramic mug with a broad stripe featuring a floral pattern on it, tea is spilling out. helloitsLost: Cartoon Kolo with a disgruntled look on her face, holding up an upside down treasure map, with a large white question mark next to her head. helloitsSeemsGood: Close up of cartoon Kolo's content smiling face with her eyes closed, and her right hand giving a thumbs-up. helloitsWink: Close up of cartoon Kolo’s closed right eye.

Most of our subscriber emotes were created by the wonderful Tfa_96, except for the Accordion, Bingo, Booby, Fuel Rat, Modlove, Moozi, No, Paw, Potato, Pumpkin and Tooth emotes which were made by the best cow Moozipan.

Bit Emotes

helloitsSweat: Close up of cartoon Kolo's embarrassed blushing face surrounded by flowing ginger hair, with her mouth wide open and a big blue drop of sweat right next to her head.

1K Bits Badge

helloitsZero: Cartoon Kolo with a surprised look on her face, staring at a shiny golden zero in her hands.

5K Bits Badge

helloitsNurse: Cartoon Kolo's happy face, eyes closed and mouth open, wearing a green nurse's cap on her head.

10K Bits Badge

helloitsToyYoda: A little green cartoon puppet representing Yoda with a blank look on his face, sitting still on the floor.

25K Bits Badge

helloitsPlantFriend: Cartoon Kolo's hands holding up a red plant pot with a peace lily planted inside it.

50K Bits Badge

helloitsYo: Cartoon Kolo with flowing ginger hair, her eyes closed, pouty lips and one hand stretched out making a gesture with her thumb, index and pinky finger.

75K Bits Badge

helloitsGoldenHonk: Golden cartoon Kolo with her mouth wide open in a chaotic scream expression. She holds a hork and is squeezing it. The text HONK appears above her in white capital lettering.

100K Bits Badge

helloitsMoon: Cartoon Kolo with flowing ginger hair and a comforting look on her face, gently holding a large golden moon in her arms.

200K Bits Badge

helloitsFine: Cartoon Kolo’s head with an awkward smile on her face looking at the viewer, surrounded by blazing flames.

300K Bits Badge

helloitsReallyFine: Close up of cartoon Kolo’s face with an awkward smile looking at the viewer.

400K Bits Badge

helloitsGoodEgg: A large golden cartoon egg with a smiling face and big white sparkles surrounding it.

500K Bits Badge

helloitsChase: Cartoon Kolo's lower body running from left to right, her arms stretched out in a chasing motion.

600K Bits Badge

helloitsMobile: A chubby ginger cartoon car representing a Fiat 126, with lots of racing decals all over it and the number 89 in large orange letters on the side door.

700K Bits Badge

helloitsGoldenGoose: A golden cartoon goose with a bright orange beak and legs, facing to the right. It’s in the middle of honking, with wings held upwards.

800K Bits Badge

helloitsGoldenGroundhog: A golden cartoon badger, facing to the left.

900K Bits Badge

helloitsZebra: A cartoon zebra with big lashes and pointed ears looking directly at the viewer.

1M Bits Badge

helloitsSquirrel: A ginger cartoon squirrel with a big bushy tail, eyes pointing to one side, holding and biting into a large acorn with its large white teeth.

1.25M Bits Badge

Most of our bit emotes were created by the wonderful Tfa_96, except for the Mobile, Squirrel and Yoda emotes which were made by the best cow Moozipan.